Automate 1000s of Workflows with Conversational AI ✍️
Apr 24, 2023
Breaking the Cycle: Reclaiming 1000s of Hours from Repetitive Work

Breaking the Cycle: Reclaiming 1000s of Hours from Repetitive Work
Ladies and gentlemen, imagine a world where our brightest minds, our most talented brothers and sisters, spend more than half of their time at work doing mundane, repetitive tasks.
It’s a world where innovation and progress take a backseat to emails, meetings, and duplicated efforts.
This is the reality we face today.
Research shows that 90% of workers are burdened with boring, recurring tasks.
They spend 60% of their time on “work about work,” like replying to endless emails, attending unnecessary meetings, and chasing colleagues for input.
This is costing businesses 19 working days per workers each year.
And the worst part?
People think they spend only 35% of their time on these tasks, greatly underestimating the problem.
Should they know the true depth of the sheer amount of time and energy being extracted they would be marveled at the horrors.
Now, let’s talk about the impact on businesses.
We’re not just talking about a few minutes here and there.
No, we’re talking about millions of dollars lost each year.
In the US alone, the economy loses $1.8 trillion annually on different types of repeated tasks.
Take emails, for example.
An average American spends 625 hours per year managing their inbox, with 72% of that time wasted on repeat CCs and BCCs.
That’s $12,222 per workers, and in a company with 500 workers, the loss skyrockets to over $6.1 million per year.
And let’s not forget about meetings, where the US economy loses $37 billion per year on unnecessary and unproductive gatherings.
This is a problem we can no longer ignore.
Data is scattered across 100s of places, misplaced, inconsistent, outdated, or simply incorrect.
This is the current reality for sales representatives, and it’s a nightmare.
But it doesn’t stop there.
Workers across industries are struggling to locate documents, get approval requests, and find essential data on sales.
It’s a mess, a colossal waste of time and resources.
Just think about it — Workers spending 4 hours a day, 2000 hours a year, searching and gathering information.
For a company that employs 500 workers with an average salary of $75,000, that’s almost $16.9 billion per year lost just on searching and gathering information — which could have been avoided by implementing a better data system.
And let’s not forget the immeasurable indirect costs.
Repetitive tasks are a creativity and motivation killer.
They increase the chances of human error, leading to accidents and compliance issues.
They disengage workers, leaving them dissatisfied and more likely to leave their jobs.
This, in turn, reduces productivity, profitability, and the quality of work.
The cycle is never-ending, and it’s all due to a broken system.
And, guess what?
It’s time for this rusty, ancient, and ineffective system to be deconstructed and replaced with the future of work.
A future where you are allowed to think and simply create anything you could possibly imagine.
A future where you are actually permitted to indulge in creative and rewarding activities.
A future where you are allowed to work the way you want how you want and not have to.
So what will take to usher in this future of work?
Conversational Automation.
Being able to conduct all the work you need to get done in simple conversation.
No clicking any buttons, and no typing.
Just simple seamless conversation with an AI that understands you!
Here let me show you!
With Athena you can automate 100s of workflows in simple language!
Get Work Done 2x as fast as before.
Simple type in a description of a task to automate, and Athena gets it done.
Reclaim 1000s of Hours with Athena
Enjoy Liberating Workflow Automation now with Athena!